I don't know why I was so worried about "Travel Knitting". Did I forget I was going to be the only one in the car? Did I think that after a solitary day driving with the sun in my eyes or torrential rain I was going to do anything other than eat and then pass out? What was I thinking????
I did pick out two vanilla sock projects and two scarf projects to take with me. If I had an unpacked camera after choosing them I would have taken pictures of them. IF I could get the mobile blogger to work with my Phone I could upload pictures. So my next projects will have to be a surprise.
Arizona in July is Crazy HOT! I go out early in the morning briefly and usually late at night. The stars are amazing away from the lights of Chicago. I truly understand the reason for "Siesta" now and understand the old saying "Only Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the Midday Sun." I have to run any errands early in the morning and get home in the cool air. We unofficially hit 120 degrees F the other day and it made quite an impression on me. That was my "Siesta" afternoon, and I Thank God for every Ceiling Fan in my house! I have that Northern Sludge in my blood veins and probably won't be comfortable until I have a full year here to thin it out. I am thinking this winter is going to be a breeze! I'll be in shorts when everyone else is in a Parka!
I did finish a pair of the socks in the evening this week and they will be a perfect "Thank You" for a friend. I just can NOT imagine working on anything bigger than that at the moment. Hopefully I will come to the end of my boxes before too long, and find a camera.......
Knitting Matching Motifs for Speed and Fun
5 years ago