I have been absent much longer than planned! I have been a busy Girl! Our house is for sale so there have been open house days, and so much going on!!I have not had the opportunity to pin out the "Blue Simurgh" and take pictures. 

I do have a picture here that is from a couple weeks ago. You can't see the beading in this because it's not blocked. But you can see that I have made some headway. Actually I have knit all the way to the end of the first half. I got stuck on the edging. After ripping out a section of edging 3 times (!) I thought it was best to move on for the moment. So I capped off that cable, took my needles to the temporary cast on, connected a new cable to my needles and started to knit in the other direction. No need to to stop knitting!
I did add an additional repeat of the second chart to add some length as I mentioned I might do. Better too long than too short on a tall person. I am going to have Plenty of left over yarn so that is not a worry, AND extra beads. SO there might actually be a scarf for me at the end of this project! Yay! Also I DID randomly place my beading into what I thought would look like waves. Something I am looking forward to seeing. You never know how it REALLY looks until it's blocked.
I spent a few minutes trying to set myself up as a "Mobile Blogger" so I could I could take "quick pics" to post without having to find the camera and the upload to the computer blablabla. Well it's still Blablabla because for some reason my phone says there is no such place. Another Goal to be met. Especially with a move in my future. That's what my kids are good for!
I should take a moment to say my house has been on the market since august. We made a poor choice of agents so nothing happened. With our new agent it has been a whirlwind! Also last August I packed up my Craft room into boxes and it all sits in my garage. I left out only things I thought I would use in the next 2 months. BIG MISTAKE! I have unpacked some of my pattern books but no yarn. I was smart enough to leave out 6 skeins of sock yarn for emergency use.(almost gone) I was busy enough with gift knitting that I have not had enough time to spin the small amount of fiber I left out, but it is getting close! God Forbid I should have to buy more fiber. It would just break my heart Hahahahahahahhahahhahah! (Evil Grin)
It IS a good time to look a close out yarn! All the spring yarns are coming out and retailers are closing out their winter stock. I recently purchased Cream color, lace weight Alpaca/Silk (8 0z)for a beaded wrap my youngest daughter wants ........for half off! Also a Peach colored, Baby Alpaca, lace weight, (1200 meters) for 1/3 of the cost! I figure I have two Christmas presents paid for already! Even though I don't know what patterns I will use, I know I have roughly 2000 yards of each yarn and that will cover most any large size shawl. So I could possible get 2 projects out of each yarn depending on the items. AND with the colors chosen there is a possibility of using the left overs together and making another big item. Endless possibilities. Since I don't have endless cash I LOVE buying close out yarn as long as there is a big enough quantity. Singles are not worth buying.
Enough Fiber Fun! off to work!
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